The easier you make it for your customers to pay you, the more likely you are to get paid. Getting paid faster improves cash…
“Income, $20.00 a year, expenditure $19.95 a year – result, happiness. Income, $20.00 a year, expenditure $20.05 a year – result, misery.” [With apologies…
Business happens everywhere now and business owners are no longer tied to their desk or a storefront. To enable this they need technology that…
This morning, a client asked me if I enjoy what I do. Not that I looked gloomy. She just couldn’t believe that anybody could…
When working in any business it’s a good idea to keep track of your client or customer information. That leads to several questions: What…
Do you hate writing cheques? Do you work remotely? Do you hate going to the post office? Do you not own envelopes? Plooto is…
Sorry, not the most exciting topic. But I get asked about HST – at a fairly basic level – at least twice a week….