Hawkins and Co.

Category: Economy

Small Businesses: Pillars of Our Community

By Danielle Ramsten on June 19, 2024

Small businesses are the cornerstone of our communities, bringing people together, enhancing local areas, and contributing much more than just economic value. However, it’s…

Reopening, but not normal

By Jules Hawkins on June 30, 2020

We’re delighted that COVID restrictions are slowly being lifted. We also spare a thought for our friends and clients who are not yet released…

COVID Rent Relief

A short blog post, to make sure that you are aware of the details of proposed relief available to certain tenants and their landlords….

So We Know a Little More…

So…. it’s April 1, and we had some more announcements. We assume that these are not intended to be April Fool jokes. A large…

We’re in this Together

Over the last week there’s been a huge impact on so many businesses that is trickling down to individuals.  It’s important for all of…

The Best & Worst of Times…

Given the events of the last week and how COVID-19 is affecting the world I wanted to put out some thoughts about how to…

Brexit Part II

So… last time I set the stage. Let’s get to what happened. Why the vote? All my adult life, “Europe” has been an open…

Brexit: What’s it all about?

Those who know me might have noticed I was born in the UK. Apparently this makes me an expert on the recent Brexit events….