Hawkins and Co.

Tag: Hawkins & Co.

Small Businesses: Pillars of Our Community

By Danielle Ramsten on June 19, 2024

Small businesses are the cornerstone of our communities, bringing people together, enhancing local areas, and contributing much more than just economic value. However, it’s…

Why is my accountant so tired and grumpy in June?

By Jules Hawkins on June 13, 2024

“I’m sure you must be glad tax season is over. Are you enjoying this beautiful spring weather? Do you have time for a new…

Maximize Your Benefits: Key Government Incentives Ending in 2023

By Jules Hawkins on November 20, 2023

At Hawkins & Co., we’ve been in discussions with many of our clients regarding these critical updates, and the time has come to share…

Mastering the Art of Paying Your Taxes

By Danielle Ramsten on July 27, 2023

Now it’s not a topic that elicits excitement but is undeniably important: paying our CRA bills. While it’s tempting to avoid this task because…

CRA Penalties & Interest – how to avoid them

By Jules Hawkins on June 27, 2023

This is a very exciting blog, about CRA penalties, interest, and how to avoid them. Nothing that’s new, but – in this era of…

How we get through tax season…dogs and food to the rescue!

By Danielle Ramsten on May 2, 2023

Tax season is a time of both excitement and a little dread for accountants. It’s the time when we get to flex our accounting…

Meet the new “Underused Housing Tax”

By Jules Hawkins on February 21, 2023

Well, it’s for a good cause. We’re all aware that Canada has a housing shortage – and, in some regions, that’s been exacerbated by…

New(ish) rules for nonprofits in Ontario

By Margaret Deneau on November 11, 2022

Is your organization a non-profit incorporated in Ontario? If yes, this applies to you! The Ontario Not-for-profit Corporations Act (ONCA) came into effect on…

Some tips on tips…

By Jules Hawkins on October 28, 2022

As you know, customers in restaurants, bars, hotels etc. will often leave tips, which are for the benefit of those who have served them….

Beyond Beans – Part 2

By Jules Hawkins on August 29, 2022

We have one key goal in mind for our clients: to improve business owners’ lives. As I’ve said earlier (Beyond Beans Blog Post), we…